19 IREC Farmers' Newsletter No. 198 — Spring 2017 LEARNING TO MANAGE FACTORS AFFECTING LODGING IN RICE l  The severity of lodging in rice varies between seasons due to weather impacting stem strength. The weather cannot be controlled but others factors that influence lodging can be managed to help reduce its occurrence. l  Some rice varieties are more tolerant to lodging than others, due to physical factors such as plant height, stem thickness and density. l  Sowing method has a large impact on lodging potential in rice with drill sown crops less likely to lodge than aerial sown crops. l  Nitrogen rate and timing of application both influence lodging potential as do water depth, plant density and time of draining. As growers push for maximum grain yield, lodging is becoming a more significant problem in rice production, increasing the time and cost of harvest and often reducing grain yield. Brian Dunn and Tina Dunn NSW Department of Primary Industries, Yanco Agricultural Institute LODGING of rice is worse in some seasons than others due to weather impacting the ability of the rice stem to support the weight of the grain. Several factors influence lodging susceptibility, these include: variety, sowing method, nitrogen rate and timing, plant density, water depth, time of draining and wind and rain nearing crop maturity. Some of these factors can be managed, thus providing the opportunity to reduce the potential of crop lodging. Variety The physical structural characteristics of the rice plant, which include height, stem strength, sturdiness of the lower part of the plant and QUICK TAKE Drill sown rice variety experiment showing differences in lodging potential.