31 IREC Farmers' Newsletter No. 198 — Spring 2017 MAXIMISING ON-FARM IRRIGATION PROFITABILITY l The Maximising on-farm irrigation profitability project is investigating strategies to increase water and nitrogen use efficiency, which may be made in addition to efficiencies gained through automated surface irrigation systems and infrastructure upgrades. l  Cotton yield was highest at 9.6 bales/ha when the crop was watered every 7 days (short deficit) but maturity was later, compared with crops watered every 14 and 19 days (standard and long deficits). Overall, increased nitrogen increased yield, although not significantly. l  Maize yield, approximately 14 t/ha in 2016–17, generally increased by applying fertiliser upfront, over two seasons. Nitrogen uptake rates in the crop were no different at different growth stages for different irrigation and nitrogen timing strategies. Infrastructure investment has increased irrigation efficiency, however irrigators continue to look for ways to take full advantage of infrastructure investment to ensure future certainty for farm businesses in changing times. Wendy Quayle1, James Brinkhoff1, Carlos Ballester1, Sam North2, John Smith3, John Hornbuckle1 1 Centre for Regional and Rural Futures (CeRRF), Deakin University, Hanwood, NSW 2 NSW Department of Primary Industries, Deniliquin, NSW 3 NSW Department of Primary Industries, Yanco, NSW MAJOR water buyback rounds of the Murray–Darling Basin Plan have ended and many of the low-hanging fruit in terms of infrastructure gains have been captured. However, questions remain about the magnitude of increases in water and nitrogen efficiencies that can be achieved and the risks involved to offset infrastructure investment. This information is vital for both farmers and policy makers. These questions will be addressed to a large extent by information coming out of the Maximising on-farm irrigation profitability project (or the Max project). Within the overall objective of the project, there are two QUICK TAKE Growers and researchers at the maize trial at Numurkah, one of two locations for field trials as part of the Maximising on-farm irrigation profitability project.