— 27 IREC Farmers' Newsletter No. 201 — Autumn 2019 — 27 IREC Farmers’ Newsletter No. 201 — Autumn 2019 New grower groups to lift pulse production Grower discussion groups are being set up across the Grains Research & Development Corporation (GRDC) northern region to improve the knowledge and capacity of farmers and advisors to grow a range of pulse crops. IREC is one of six grower groups in southern NSW participating in the large GRDC-funded project for 2019 and 2020. ‘PULSE Check’ discussion groups are being formed and will use participant-guided activities to give the latest advice and support on agronomy and marketing of pulses. There are two components to the project: the formation of discussion groups and development of a situational analysis of pulse growing in the region. A discussion group structure was selected as previous experience shows that grower extension activities have the greatest chance of continued engagement if they are directed by the group members themselves and supported by active and skilled facilitation. Local group for local issues The IREC Pulse Check group will meet twice per year during the project, depending on seasonal conditions (such as late crop emergence), and likely as pre-season and pre-harvest information sessions. The meetings will be facilitated by IREC, with guest presenters including marketers, researchers and experienced growers. The purpose of these discussion group meetings will be to increase growers and advisor capacity in pulse production while building a network of support. Activities may include: l  expert lectures on key management topics such as disease, weed, insects, nutrition, plant physiology, inoculant management, breeding and marketing l group learning activities such as field walks, tours, workshops or similar l demonstration and field trials where a need is identified l pulse agronomy training workshops l grower information and benchmarking evenings using case studies or focus paddocks l grower and advisor mentoring programs. Situation analysis The project has a second part that involves preparing a situation analysis to identify specific regional benefits, constraints and risks to pulse production. It will include: l  which pulses are or could be grown in the region l  current grower and adviser knowledge, skills and ability to grow pulses l  grower motivation for including pulses in their farming system l  agronomic drivers of pulse production l  economic drivers of pulse production. Ground view of pulse crop experiments at Leeton Field Station. Chickpeas are planted in the foreground and lentils in background. CREDIT: Tony Napier